Saturday 7 July 2018

Pilih Vitamin untuk Si, Ini Cara yang Tepat

 Umur balita ialah masa dimana seorang si kecil membutuhkan kecukupan asupan nutrisi untuk tumbuh kembangnya. Orang tua perlu bijak dalam memilih vitamin dan suplemen untuk menunjang pertumbuhan si kecilnya. Karena seandainya salah, justru malahan memperburuk kesehatan buah hati.

\"Memberikan suplemen lebih-lebih dahulu kita seharusnya tahu dahulu, buah hatinya kekurangan atau tak. Bila kurang, baru diberi. Kita juga semestinya tahu isi dari suplemen itu. Jangan turut-ikutan,\" papar dr Fisiastuti Witjaksono SpGK dalam acara talk show yang yang diselenggarakan salah satu perusahaan suplemen si kecil, Champs Emultion, Rabu (20/3).
\"Vitamin larut lemak sekiranya kelebihan akan disimpan di hati. Cod liver oil yang cukup tinggi akan mengganggu kerja hati,\" jelasnya.

Berdasarkan dr Fiastuti, sebelum memberikan suplemen orang tua patut mengetahui apakah benar si kecilnya kekurangan nutrisi. Apabila nutrisi telah terpenuhi, pemberian suplemen tak dibutuhkan lagi. Karena kalau kelebihan nutrisi pun akan berimbas buruk.

\"Vitamin itu tak boleh kelebihan. Karena jikalau kelebihan akan mengganggu fungsi hati dan menyebabkan pelaksanaan oksidasi menjadi berlebih. Itu akan berakibat buruk,\" jelasnya. \"Jadi, hanya sebatas cukup,\" tambahnya.

Sementara itu, Brand Manager Champs Emultion, Putri Susanto mengucapkan, kandungan Cod Liver Oil sebagai nutrisi tambahan yang terdapat dalam produknya Champs Emultion berada pada takaran yang tepat. Sehingga para orang tua tak perlu lagi kuatir untuk memilih produknya sebagai asupan nutrisi tambahan bagi buah hati-si kecil mereka.

\"Kandungan Cod Liver Oil pada Champs Emultion sebesar 450 mg tiap satu sendok makan yang terdiri dari omega 3, DHA, dan EPA bisa menolong mengoptimalkan perkembangan fungsi otak buah hati,\" papar Putri.

Thursday 5 July 2018

The Health Insurance Crisis in


Many schools and employers require an official doctors excuse When someone wishes to have a day off and still get credit for this day. An Interesting and sad feature of the current medical insurance crisis in America is That lots of individuals are choosing to use a fake doctors note rather than visiting a medical professional. The Expense of a real doctors excuse for work or college  Is just too high and therefore worth the risk.

How has the U.S. arrived in a place where a hardworking citizen could Choose to Use a fake doctors excuse as opposed to go to the physician? It can all be tracked   Nearly every other developed nation set Policies in place to form their health care systems. Most world forces in the   Rather, it allowed the Healthcare sector to evolve organically and frequently without checks and balances.

Some point to the Affordable Care Act as a social policy, and while true, it's  Maybe too little too late. Many consider it a half-measure, and a lot of what It could do right was frequently undermined by partisanship.  U.S. and one which the ACA sought to alleviate is that health insurance is  Individuals That Are self-employed or outside of work may not Have access to affordable medical care. People working but in low-paying Jobs may not have access .

The Main reason why Someone may opt to get a fake doctors excuse for work is The cost is just too high.  Average person, it could be more economical to take an unpaid day off than to choose a paid Day off by getting a formal physicians note. There are many reasons why medical Care costs so much, but a top reason is that the sheer number of uninsured citizens.

Community Health Centers

In the end, community health centers are intended as a safety net. The Issue is That there are not enough of them. Those that exist are understaffed and overstressed. Individuals can get notes from these facilities for free or at a Reduced cost, but unless they know in advance that they'll be sick, there's  Almost no chance that they get an appointment within a suitable time period
Medical doctor